Where should we pick up? Enter your address. Press “Set as default address” when you have entered the address and it will be completed for you the next time you order.
Where should we deliver? Enter an address and it will be automatically saved in your address book.
Choose what to send…
…and which service you want. Fill in all the information and you will see an estimated recipient price. When you are finished, press “Order”.
E-mail notifications
You can choose when in the process you want to be notified. You can get notifications on registration, pickup and delivery.
Track your delivery live
When you have ordered a courier service, you can go to the “Live”-page to get an overview of all your deliveries and their status. Here you get a full overview of what you need to know about your delivery.
Get started today:
For help with setting up an account or to for ordering courier and express services, call 04050.
Book courier services in Glow
Read more about courier services
Get started today:
For help with setting up an account or to for ordering courier and express services, call 04050.