How to pack and label addressed mail correctly
Check the format

Up to 0,5cm thick for small items
- Ordinary letters
- Length and width up to 25 x 17,6cm

Up to 2 cm thick for large items
- Larger letters, magazines and brochures
- Length and width up to 35,3 x 25 cm

2-7 cm thick extra large items
- Documents and smaller packets
- Lengde og bredde inntil: 35,3 x 25 cm

More than 7cm thick extra large items
- Gifts and small packets
- Length and width more than 35,3 x 25 cm. Length + width + thickness can be up to 90 cm.
Same size
The above mail formats shows the different size categories you can choose from when sending Items of identical format. Each size is priced individually, and all items in a mailing/order must, therefore, be the same size. For the largest size, there is a surcharge for items larger than 7 cm thick or more than 25x35,3 cm in size.
Varying sizes
The price is based on average weight per item. Weigh all items together and divide with the number of items. Find the price per item in pricelist. The only thing you need to remember is to pick out the two largest sizes which has a large format surcharge.
General minimum and maximum dimensions for all mail items
Mail items that are too small can easily be lost, and the minimum size for mail is therefore set to 9 x 14 cm.
If sending extra large items, you must ensure that they are within the maximum dimensions for mail items, with a length of maximum 60 cm and length + width + thickness not exceeding 90 cm.
For larger items, please see our parcel services
The following dimensions apply to rolls:
Minimum length of at least 10 cm. Length + double diameter must be at least 17 cm.
Maximum length of up to 90 cm. Length + double diameter must not exceed 104 cm.
Maximum weight:
2 kg per item
Label your mail correctly
Post paid by invoice must always be marked with the postage stamp Norway P.P. (postage paid).
Download franking stamps in the tab "Clichés and labels" at the top of this page.

Post abroad
If you send mail abroad, you must note the Priority item to ensure the fastest possible delivery.
Download postage marks in the tab clichés and labels on top of this page
Correct address plays a major role in ensuring that your mail is delivered to the right recipient without delay. Ensure that the addresses for both the sender and the recipient are written correctly and put in the right place.
If you are sending mail of a identical format, we recommend you to spend a few moments checking out if you can adapt the layout and addressing for machine sorting, and get a dicount. Find your type of items in Discount terms for machine readable mail.
For all postal addresses, there should be a postcode and city on the bottom line of the address like this:
Name of the recipient
Street/road name + house number
Postcode and city
John Smith
High street 15 A
0161 OSLO
More examples:
Order forms
Mail that should be paid by invoice is normally ordered online at My Post and handed in with a consignment note from the online shop. If you need to do this manually, you can fill out an order form and deliver it with the mail.
Packing mail
Regardless of the type of mail you are sending, it is important that everything is packed properly and delivered in appropriate load carriers.
If you are sending a large number of items, the way in which you arrange and pack the mail will be extra important. You can get discounts if the mailing is packed as described in the individual discount categories in terms and conditions for mail of identical format.
If you are sending mixed mail, either mail franked with a franking machine or invoiced items of varying sizes, a suitable box may be a practical means of delivering the mail.
- Suitable when you have a smaller number of items
- Select a box that suits your mail
Regardless of whether you are sending mail of identical or varying sizes, you can use our red mail trays when handing in your mail.
- Suitable for envelopes and when you are delivering a smaller number of items without envelope, open or plastic wrapped.
Periodicals and customer magazines are good examples of items suitable for bundles. All bundles must have flat upper and lower sides, so that the bundle’s address side is not bent.
- Suitable for mail of identical format packed in plastic or without any particular type of wrapping.
How to package and label unaddressed mail and information properly
Check the size
The best size for deliveries in the mailbox is C4 (21 cm x 29.6 cm). Larger items can easily be damaged. The general rule for paper quality is 60 g per m2 or thinner.
Standard formats
Minimum size: 12.5 cm x 14.8 cm
Maximum size: 26 cm x 34 cm
Maximum thickness: 0.5 cm
Maximum weight: 200 g
The items must not be uneven or dented.
Items larger than 26 cm x 34 cm, must be folded to suit our standard size dimension. The fold must be sharp and preferably on the item’s longest side. If the fold is on the item’s shortest side, the item must be within 14.8 cm (minimum) and 21 cm (maximum).
Special formats
The items must always be within 26 cm x 34 cm to fit in the mailbox. If your items are thicker than 0.5 cm, uneven/dented or in a non-rectangular size, this costs extra. The same applies if the items are poly wrapped or if they weigh more than 200 g per item.
There is a limited capacity for items with special format and delivery that is made during an agreed week. Please contact Customer Service on 04045 for further information.
Labelling unaddressed mail
You do not need to label each individual item if you want to deliver unaddressed direct mail with messages of a commercial nature, such as customer magazines, brochures, flyers, etc. The same applies to free newspapers with a significant amount of editorial content.
Messages of a non-commercial nature, for example information from the government and local authorities will also be delivered to households who have opted out of receiving advertising mail. Remember to label these mailings with "Informasjon".
Packing on pallets
The items must be packed on EUR-pallets and labelled for direct transport to our sorting centres. Maximum weight per pallet is 800 kg with a maximum height of 120 cm.
Packing in bundles
When there are too few items for each destination for packing on pallets, or if the items do not cover one layer of a pallet, the items should be packed in bundles of up to 6 kg. Each bundle should be securely strapped. Alternatively, the items can be packed in a cardboard box. Packing in bundles is preferable when your are handing in items to Post offices or Post in Shops.
What if deviations in packing?
If the items are not packed in accordance with the terms and conditions, it could mean they will not be accepted for handing in at the post office. If a deviation is first noticed after the handing in, it can cause a lot of extra work and delayed mailing. Extra costs will be charged.
Download clichés and tags for sending mail and small packages to the mailbox
Postage Paid Indicia Addressed mail
Always remember to use a franking mark when you send invoiced mail.
Franking mark
All addressed mail and parcels to the mailbox to be paid by invoice must have a postage mark, also called franking mark, in addition to the sender and return address. For parcels in the mailbox, the frank print is integrated into the default address label.
Standard franking mark

Download in Norwegian
Download in Norwegian Nynorsk
Download Norwegian + Norwegian Nynorsk
For consignments without envelope, open / in plastic, the frank print can be replaced with the text:
Postage Paid Indicia Registered letters
Recommenced letters to be paid by invoice must be postage with a postage stamp.
The franking mark

Numbered labels
In addition, the letters must be labeled with the shipping number and barcode. You can order in our netshop.
Order with EDI
If EDI messages are sent, the shipping number and barcode are automatically printed on the label.
Postage Paid Indicia abroad
Posting abroad, you must mark with Priority if you want to send the shipment in the fastest way.

Download Norwegian
Franking mark abroad, black.eps
Franking mark abroad, black.jpg
Franking mark abroad, black.pdf
Franking mark abroad, blue.eps
Franking mark abroad, blue.jpg
Franking mark abroad, blue.pdf
Download Norwegian Nynorsk
Franking mark abroad, black.eps
Franking mark abroad, blacks.jpg
Franking mark abroad, black.pdf
Franking mark abroad, blue.eps
Franking mark abroad, blue.jpg
Franking mark abroad, blue.pdf
Download Norwegian and Norwegian Nynorsk
Franking mark abroad, black.eps
Franking mark abroad, black.jpg
Franking mark abroad, black.pdf
Franking mark abroad, blue.eps
Franking mark abroad, blue.jpg
Franking mark abroad, blue.pdf
Other labels
Franking mark for Braille

Buy packaging
Different mail items require different packaging. Buy online (web shop in Norwegian language) or contact us on 04045.
Plastic pockets and labels when sending items with visible documents
Sending letters and parcels with e.g customs documents requires that the documents are visible on the front of the item. Buy plastic pockets, put the document in the pocket and stick it to the item.
You can also buy (some are free) various labels and address cards, such as:
- Customs declaration
- A-Priority labels
- PUM-labels (Proof of delivery)
- Cash on delivery
- Registered letter labels
Buy plastic pockets and labels
Cardboard boxes
Three different sizes available online:
- Small - 35cm x 25cm x 7cm
- Medium - 30cm x 35cm x 12cm
- Large - 50cm x 30cm x 20cm)
For a wider selection of packaging, Lyreco or Rajapack might have what you are looking for.
Envelopes for biological material
If you are sending biological material, the packaging provisions is essential for the sake of patients and staff working with mail, transport or in the laboratory. We recommend you to use biological envelopes. It's convenient, safe and secure way of sending biological material.
- The envelopes are pre-stamped and ready for use.
- Delivery speed is 2 business days and we deliver mail Monday to Friday.
- The envelopes satisfy the requirements for labelling of biological material, but please note that Bring only supplies the outer packaging. You need to contact your supplier of internal packaging for more information.
You may use your business logo on the envelope - The envelopes can be handed in at your Post office og Post in Shop.
- Each item can weigh up to 350 grams with measurements 170x350 mm
Prices for postage-paid envelopes with print from 01.01.2024
- Packs of 1000 pcs. for shipment in Norway, weight up to 350 grams
- Price per envelope: NOK 55.00
All prices are exclusive of VAT.
Prices for postage-paid envelopes with print from 01.01.2025
- Packs of 1000 pcs. for shipment in Norway, weight up to 350 grams
- Price per envelope: NOK 58.00
All prices are exclusive of VAT.