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How to address your Norwegian mail

Use a full and accurate address with a town and a postcode.

A Posten car and a Bring truck driving on the road

To help us getting your mail quickly and safely to your recipients, please follow our guidelines on how to address your Norwegian mail correctly.

Recipients with a street address and mail delivery in a mailbox:

Recipient's name
Street address + house number
Postcode and town/place

Per Post
Storgata 15 A
0161 Oslo

If using the additional "Housing Code" as part of the address, please see guidelines at the bottom of this page.

Recipients with no street address, only name of a local place as a full address:

Recipient's name
Name of local place
Postcode and town/place

Per Post
5637 Ølve

Recipients who have neither a street address or name of a local place in their address:

Recipient's name
Postcode and town/place

Per Post
9672 Ingøy

Recipients who get mail delivered to a P.O. Box:

Please enter the name of the unit/Post Office to cities that have multiple Post Offices with PO Box facilities

Recipient's name
P.O. Box 9999 + Name of unit/Post Office
Postcode and town/place

Bedriften AS
Postboks 55 Falkum
3705 Skien

Example of correct mailing address to cities with only one Post Office with PO Box facilities:

Recipient's name
PO Box 9999
Postcode and town/place

Bedriften AS
Postboks 15
2712 Brandbu

Sending a personal letter to a named person in a business

Recipient's name
Company name
Street address + house number or PO Box number
Postcode and town/place

Per Post
Bedriften AS
Storgata 15
0161 Oslo

Per Post
Bedriften AS
Postboks 15
2712 Brandbu

Addressed to the business, attention a named person:

Company name
Recipient's name
Street address + house number or PO Box number
Postnummer og poststed

Bedriften AS
Att: Per Post
Storgata 15
0161 Oslo

Bedriften AS
Att: Per Post
Postboks 15
2712 Brandbu

c/o addressing:

Recipient's name
c/o The "owner" of the mailing address
Street address + house number
Postcode and town/place

Bente Brev
c/o Per Post
Storgata 15
0161 Oslo

Receiving mail on behalf of an other person:

Recipient's name
v/The person receiving the mail on behalf of the recipient
Street address + house number
Postcode and town/place

Bente Brev
v/Per Post
Storgata 15
0161 Oslo

If using a "Housing code" in addition to the mailing address:

Housing codes *) are not part of the mailing address. If you wish to use housing codes in addition to the mailing address, the code must be placed after the key word "Bolignummer" in a separate address line:

Recipient's name
The key word "Bolignummer" + the housing code
Street address + house number
Postcode and town/place

Per Post
Bolignummer H0302
Storgata 15
0161 Oslo

Housing codes can only be used in a addition to a street address and only when multiple housing on the address. Not to be used if only one single housing on the address.

If using both c / o addressing and housing codes it is recommended to use separate lines:

Recipient's name
c/o The "Owner" of the mailing address
The key word "Bolignummer" + the housing code
Street address + house number
Postcode and town/place

Bente Brev
c/o Per Post
Bolignummer H0302
Storgata 15
0161 Oslo

*) Housing Codes (Bolignummer) was introduced by the government to identify the individual home where several homes have the same street address. The housing code consists of a letter and four numbers, and must not be mistaken by the original mailing address. Housing codes on mail can only be used if placed as shown in the examples above.