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Reservation against calculation of import value added tax

Reservation against calculation of import value added tax

If your company wants to calculate import value added tax (VAT) itself from 1 January 2017, you can reserve against the additional service.

If you are going to calculate the import value added tax yourself, it is important to have an overview of the rules the Norwegian Tax Administration has for import VAT. You must also familiarize yourself with the procedures by which the import takes place, for example whether it is a re-importation after a repair abroad or an ordinary importation. Also, be aware that different types of goods have different VAT rates and any customs duties must be included in the basis for the VAT calculation.

If your company is in doubt as to whether you should reserve the right to calculate import VAT, we recommend that you read more here.

Your company can reserve against the calculation of import VAT by contacting us via this form or calling Customer service.