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Incorrectly addressed shipment

Incorrectly addressed shipment

In order to have high delivery quality, we depend on correct shipping information and delivery address. Shipments with an invalid postal code or the use of a postal code for a parcel locker are at risk of being sent incorrectly and being delayed.

Parcels on a belt

All customer registers need to be updated, otherwise the data will eventually be of poor quality. A customer register that has not been updated will mean that information about the addressee on the EDI file and label may contain errors.

With a well-maintained customer register, you contribute to us being able to perform the service in accordance with expectations.

Bring requires that all consignments have the correct consignment information, this is specified in our Transport Guide. Shipments with an invalid postal code or the use of a postal code for a parcel locker will be charged an additional NOK 77 from 01.12.2024.