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Return express

Get more satisfied customers - offer rapid returns with delivery to the door the next day.

  • SIMPLE - with pre-completed returns label
  • CUSTOMER FRIENDLY - returns delivery to the door included
  • FAST - delivery before 9 a.m. or 4 p.m. the following day

Returns scheme where you pay for the shipment and allow the customer to return the goods with express shipping back to you.

Parcels in different sizes

How much does it cost?

How to calculate the price?

The service costs the same as when ordering parcels per package (with some exceptions).

Prices increase by 4.5 % from 1 December 2024.

Transport guide from 1 February 2025 (pdf)

What do you need to know?

Service specifications:

Maximum weight: 35 kg
Maximum dimensions: 120x60x60 cm
Deviation from this will result in a price surchage from December 1, 2024.

See terms and conditions

    How to proceed

  1. 1

    Ordering and pick-up

    Order the returns service via EDI or Mybring. Print the returns address card and attach it when you ship the items. Alternatively, you can send the card to the customer when the need for a return arises. The delivery deadline is stated on the booking itself.

  2. 2

    Packing and packaging

    The customer packs the goods in a suitable manner, glues on the pre-filled returns address card and delivers the parcel at the Post Office/Post in Store or to the driver if a collection agreement is in place.

  3. 3

    During transport

    Any pick-up takes place at the original recipient's address at the door or from the goods ramp/ground floor for larger shipments. You can track the returns shipment in Mybring, and the customer can track it on bring.no.

  4. 4

    Delivery and receipt

    Delivery takes place either before 9 a.m. or before 4 p.m., depending on the postal code. The parcel is delivered to you or the collection point, as per your agreement with Bring.