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Return mailbox parcel

Make it easy for your customers by offering pick-up from their mailboxes.

  • Easy return for your customers - provides a positive shopping experience
  • Easy ordering of returns in Mybring

Return mailbox parcel is a service you can offer your customers for an easy and attractive return solution for small parcels of different weight and size. There are two options to return the parcel:

  1. Pick-up in from the mailbox
  2. Handing-in the parcel at a Post-in-Shop / Post office. 

Parcels in different sizes

How much does it cost?

How to calculate price:

Returns of Mailbox parcel has a fixed freight price and other additional surcharges for pick-up.The service Return mailbox parcel can be handed-in at any Post-in-Shop or Post office without any additional surcharge

Price list from 01.01.2024 (pdf)
Price list from 01.01.2025 (pdf)

What do you need to know?

Service specifications:

Maximum weight: 5 kg
Maximum dimensions:

  • Maximum length 45 cm. Length + width + thickness cannot be over 90 cm
  • Roll form: Maximum length 45 cm. Length + diameter + diameter cannot be over 90 cm

All return shipments must have a return label glued flat on one of the sides of the parcel. See our full terms and conditions from 01.01.2021. The package is returned as a regular mail with 2-3 days delivery time. From 01.01.2022, there will be 1-2 days longer delivery time from Northern Norway.

    How to proceed

  1. 1

    Ordering and pick-up/handing-in

    You can pre-register the returns at the same time as ordering an ordinary delivery, consecutively with EDI, or individually afterwards. The ordering can also be done in a software program delivered by an EDI-supplier or in Mybring. The EDI-order will automatically transfer information about the returned item into Postens’ systems. Each parcel in the EDI-order must contain correct information about the recipient (your company). 

    For pick-up in the mailbox, you simply enter Vas 1073 Pick up in the EDI-notification. You will be invoiced after the pick-up. 

    Your customer can also deliver the returns at any Post-in-shop or Post office without any additional surcharge.

  2. 2

    Packing and packaging

    Your customer packs the goods in a suitable manner, glues on the pre-filled returns label. If the parcel is to be picked-up by the mailman, the parcel must be placed in the mailbox. Otherwise the parcel can be delivered at the Post Office/Post in Store. The address label must be placed flat and visible on one of the parcel sides. 

  3. 3

    During transport

    The returns shipment has the same delivery time as the Home mailbox parcel service, and the shipment can be tracked both by you and the sender (the customer). The tracking will be triggered by either the pick-up from the mailman who collects and scan the parcel, or when it is handed in at the Post office/Post in store. It will also be captured by EDI-tracking when it arrives at a sorting terminal.

  4. 4

    Receipt of returns

    The returned parcel will be delivered to the your address (original sender) or according to the agreement with Bring.