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Terms for Customs Clearance of Shipments to/from Norway

The terms apply to customs services provided by Posten Bring AS with subsidiaries, where the company has an ownership of 50 % or more.

  1. Customs clearance is carried out in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and procedures. The customs services performed by Posten Bring are described on bring.no/en/customs. The terms apply regardless of whether customs clearance is performed for import or export, or whether the client is an exporter, importer, or a third party. For more information on regulations related to customs clearance, see toll.no
  2. Unless there is a reservation from the customs clearance service, Posten Bring is considered to have general customs authorization from the importer/exporter, hereinafter referred to as the declarant, to perform the customs service. If the declarant chooses to perform customs clearance themselves or purchase the customs service from others, Posten Bring will hold the declarant financially responsible for any consequential errors and/or delays.
  3. All necessary information for customs processing and customs clearance of a shipment must be clearly stated in the accompanying customs documentation, invoice, and/or other documentation; for example, waybills, certificates, licenses, import/export permits, or similar. The goods must be allowed to be imported/exported to/from Norway. For goods that are subject to restrictions, relevant import/export permits are required. It is the declarant’s responsibility to apply for and present the necessary permits. Even if Norwegian authorities allow the goods to be exported, there may be import restrictions in the recipient country. The exporter is responsible for complying with any export and/or import restrictions and sanctions. Information on import and export restrictions/sanctions can be found on the websites of the Norwegian Customs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
  4. Posten Bring has its own rules for prohibited content, and it is the declarant’s responsibility to comply with applicable rules for shipments transported by Posten Bring. Information about the shipment, and all customs documents, must be available as early as possible and no later than at the time of customs clearance. 
  5. The declarant is responsible and liable for correct and timely customs information, regardless of whether the information is to be provided by the seller/exporter, recipient, a third party, or others.

    The customs authorities require electronic pre-notification, i.e., information about the transport and detailed information about the goods which are shipped to/from Norway. This information must be available as early as possible and no later than before the shipment’s arrival at the border. Errors in pre-information can cause delays and trigger customs duties. The declarant’s responsibility also includes the classification/tariffing of the goods for a correct calculation of duties, according to product data sheets, product calculations, and any other factors affecting the customs value. The declarant must ensure legally required retention of all customs documentation. 
  6. When customs information is sent via EDI, the EDI message is the basis for customs clearance. EDI information must be delivered in accordance with Posten Bring’s specifications. Furthermore, the customs information must meet the customs authorities’ requirements and correspond with any invoices and other customs documentation.

    If any discrepancies in EDI information, which result in Posten Bring being unable to complete the customs clearance, which may cause delays and increased costs then the extra cost will be charged the declarant. If the authorities uncover discrepancies during an audit and/or customs control in the declarant’s value chain, this is the declarant’s responsibility and risk, and Posten Bring shall be held indemnified. 
  7. The declarant is responsible for providing additional information on special conditions that may affect transport, customs processing, and customs clearance.

    Special conditions may include, for example:

    - Foodstuffs from third countries must be notified in accordance with the requirements of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority
    - Sufficient information about products subject to special restrictions on import and export
    - Royalties, etc.
    - Raw material customs form (RT form) from the Norwegian Agricultural Authority to apply for reduced customs duties on import
    - Rules and requirements related to the export of fish
    - Documentation for customs reduction or quotas for agricultural products with reduced or no customs duty
    - Exemption from charging special duties at the time of customs clearance (formerly UTB)
  8. Incoterms®2020 is a set of standardized rules on delivery terms. The rules describe who bears the responsibility, risk, and costs in connection with a transaction, and indicate when the responsibility passes from the seller to the buyer. Incoterms must be listed on the commercial invoice and correspond with the chosen transport service. 
  9. The declarant is responsible for paying Posten Bring on time, for extra costs and services related to customs clearance.

    The declarant’s deferment account will be charged relevant import duties from the Norwegian Customs, this also applies in cases where duties are to be paid upon export. If the deferment account is closed, this must be immediately reported to Posten Bring’s customer service at phone 04045, and the same applies if the account is reopened. Declarants without valid deferment account have the status of ”cash-payment” customers with Bring. Declarants who are not VAT-registered will have import duties calculated in the customs declaration and invoiced via the payment solution/daily settlement. The declarant is responsible for reporting the required VAT to the Norwegian Tax Administration. 
  10. Posten Bring will charge the declarant for all prepaid taxes and additional fee. If Posten Bring receives any claims from Customs, such as customs debt claims, penalty fees, or similar financial sanctions, the declarant shall hold Posten Bring free of any claim. 
  11. In the case of returns/re-exports, the declarant must ensure that correct customs information is provided. This applies regardless of whether the entire shipment or parts of it, are returned. The declarant is responsible for applying to the authorities for correction/refund of import duties. Posten Bring can optionally perform this as an additional service. 
  12. Unless there is a reservation, Posten Bring will automatically calculate import VAT when declaring goods to VAT-registered entities.

    It is the declarant’s responsibility to check that the VAT- calculation is correct, in accordance with the requirement for self-assessment of the required VAT upon import. VAT calculation will incur a cost per declaration, which is invoiced to the declarant. By contacting Posten Bring’s customer service, the declarant can reserve themselves from VAT calculation. A reservation will mean that no VAT calculation will be available in the customs declaration. For customers who have an agreement for the Bring E-Doc service, VAT calculation is included, and Posten Bring will provide the service in accordance with the agreement. Information about the Bring e-Doc Service:  Bring E-Doc
  13. Posten Bring’s liability is limited to the declarant’s documented direct losses/costs caused by errors or deficiencies in the service. Posten Bring is not liable for indirect or consequential losses resulting from inadequate customs clearance services. Underpaid customs duties and taxes, including surcharges, are not compensated. Posten Bring's responsibility for the customs clearance services is further limited to Posten Bring's remuneration for the customs service limited to NOK 10,000 per assignment and a total of NOK 50,000 if the same error affects multiple assignments from the same declarant. 
  14. Norwegian law applies to the assignment. Disputes that cannot be resolved amicably shall be resolved by the ordinary courts with Oslo District Court as the agreed legal venue. 
  15. Privacy protection: All processing of personal data in connection with customs services is carried out by Posten Bring in accordance with the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as applicable at any given time. For more information, please refer to our website regarding privacy and security.