Temporary redirection
If you are going to run the business from another location for a period of time, you can receive your mail there
- Temporary address within Norway or abroad
- Redirection of all types of addressed letter post
- Parcels can be redirected for a fee
Download and complete the form. Order at least four days before your mail is to be sent to a new address.

How much does it cost?
The service is paid through invoice and the price depends on how long the redirection will take place, and whether the temporary address is in Norway or abroad.
Forwarding period up to 30 days: Domestic - price NOK 509. Abroad - price NOK 672.
Forwarding period further per week: Domestic - price NOK 96. Abroad - price NOK 135.
If you order an extension of the agreement, this will cost NOK 50 extra in addition to the price per week.
All prices are exclusive of VAT.
What do you need to know?
Forwarding can be ordered for up to 6 months at a time. At the end of the period, the mail is withheld until it is to be delivered to a permanent address again (domestic: 2 working days, Europe: 1 week, the rest of the world: 2 weeks).
Ordering deadlines:
If the form is sent by post, calculate 2 working days' forwarding time.
Delivery to Norway Post: 8 working days.
Fill out the order form
You can order safekeeping of mail for your business by downloading the form and handing it in at the post in shop, as an attachment in the email to adresseendring@bring.com, or as a letter addressed to:
Posten kundeservice
Stølsmyr 10,
Forwarding of mail
Forwarding of mail can start no earlier than five working days from the form is received at Norway Post's customer service.
If the form is sent by post, calculate the two-day forwarding time.
Extend the agreement
If you want to extend the agreement, it can be extended for up to 6 new months by contacting Customer Service.
You can also end temporary forwarding before the agreed end date by notifying Customer Service.